Why do I write?
They say that people write to express our feelings or thoughts, other says that we write because they fight for a cause.
but why do I really write?
I did not start writing because I have a cause or because of how I felt, I started it because of curiosity, curiosity to describe how other people feel and describe how other people see and and enjoy things and most importantly, to channel their sadness and happiness as my inspiration and learn from it at the same time. it may be weird, but with that curiosity, I've seen the bigger picture about writing which I consider as boring and lifeless during my childhood.
Honestly, I am not good with punctuation nor good at selecting proper words, but I enjoy playing with words to fit with what I write and it may sound crazy for some but if I write, I don't think of a topic, I just write what my mind process.
but why do I write?
the only answer that I can give, is so I can describe life.
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