Herbalife Triathletes begins with a bang at Tri-United Series

Below are the top finishers of the first race for the Tri-United Series held in Subic Bay Philippines, where Herbalife triathletes Lezette Albarote, Laarni Paredes, Madel Argosino, Ronald Molit and Hiroshi Takei proved that they remain a strong contender for this year.

The Herbalife Triathlon Team
Race results: 
Lezette Albarote (1st Place = 40-44AG and 3rd Fast Bike Split)
Laarni Paredes (2nd Place = 35-39AG)
Madel Argosino (2nd Place = 18-24AG)
Ronald Molit (2nd Place = 30-34AG)
Hiroshi Takei (3rd Place = 45-49AG)

Lezette Albarote, 1st place in 40-44 age group and 3rd in fast bike split


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